Table 44 seat 8
I got $71,800 and that's below average. The biggest stack at my table is
only maybe 90K. Good draw. Of course Kyle Bowker is at my table again
and he has position on me again, but he's only got 39K.
Blinds start today at 1500/3000 with a 400 ante. Eek. Kinda steep.
This tournament is going to be played and won preflop.
78 players left. Here we go.
I pick up aces in the first orbit and win the blinds and antes. Then I
get moved to the table with all the chips. Lovely.
In the first orbit I pick up aces again and make a preflop reraise
against seat 3. He calls but then folds on my all in bet on the K high
flop. I'm up over 100K.
Ok, the real table draw:
Seat 1: Kyle Bowker, this guy is my fricken shadow
Seat 2: Thor Hansen doppelganger
Seat 3: rwg
Seat 4: rag definite non-sag
Seat 5: Internet geek
Seat 6: rag (non-sag)
Seat 7: rwg
Seat 8: big fat English guy wearing a rugby club shirt. Guaranteed he
hasn't played rugby in a while
Seat 9: JDN
Seat 10: rwg
I get seat 10 all in with my A4 vs his AK. D'oh. The flop falls Jd 6c
Jc. Sweet. The turn is the Jh. D'oh. The river is As. Chop! Sweet!
We're already down to 58 players from 78. We've lost 20 players in
less than an hour.
Internet kid doubles through drunk guy in a donkey play, then he cracks
my QQ with A3. So poor.
Random white guy in seat 7 just showed us naked pictures of his wife.
I shit you not. Not bad for an old guy. Probably photoshopped though.
75K going into level #12.
In the small blind with levels at 2000/4000, the fat bloke, who turns
out to be from Amsterdam, moves in from the button. I knew he was
going to do that before he did. I look down at QQ and call. He shows
58 off. Haha
The flop falls 7 3 9. Fuck. Gotta fade the gut shot, which I have not
been good at recently. But I do this time!!! Double up to 140K.
Then I take a shot at a pot and get knocked down 74K. I swear this
midget-looking kid can't miss a flop.
74K at break with 39 people left.
With blinds at 2500/5000 the Internet nerd, whose name is Brent, I
think, raises to 12,000. The midget kid to my right calls and I look
down at AA.
How should I play this? Can't flat call it with 2 in front. So I decide to
over raise it to look like a steal. I throw out 45,000. Take that
I look down at my bet. There's only 25,000 out there. Shit. I
miscounted my 5K chips. D'oh! Ok. Well I guess its looks like I have
aces then.
Everyone folds to the midget kid, who calls. He can't read the signs
obv. The flop falls K 8 6. I bet 35,000 and the kid moves in. I snap
call and he asks if I have a set of kings. Fuuck he flopped a set.
He shows 66 for bottom set. D'oh. I stand up and grab my hoodie, Ace on
the turn! Aces! Fuck yeah!!!
Up to 200K.
Table breaks when we're down to 30 players. Of course the drunk guy
from last night is to my left and working on getting drunk again. He
won't shut up.
Drunk guy AKA Thor Hansen doppelganger is popping Valium. Awesome.
It's folded to me in the big blind and I look down at 55. I raise to
18,000 to the doppelganger's protest. He tanks it for a moment before
raising another 45,000. I call bullshit and move in. He shows 92 off
and asks if I can beat that.
I say "no" and rake the pot.
240K at dinner break. 23 players left and 18 pay. Getting down to it.
Mike Laing The drunk guy is Mike Laing! I knew I knew him.
In the next level I see AJ 3 times and AA once. I win two of those and
basically break even until were down to 20.
We redraw when we're down to two tables and guess who I'm sitting next to?
Kyle motherfucken Bowker. But he's on my right this time and he's
short. Haha fucker!
Mike Laing busts in 19th. On the bubble.
Gross. Kyle Bowker bubbles with QdQs vs KdTd. Gross. Runner runner
flush and kwob busts. Bad for him. Good for me.
Vee Rob, you get 20% of your buy in back.
$239,000 at break. 16 players left. Not much going on with me. I'm
just maintaining my stack, making preflop raises once or twice an
orbit. This shit is easy.
Just found out that the Mexican guy at our table, who's wearing
sandals, is that guy who finished 3rd in the WSOP POY points race. I
guess he knows how to play this game, but not how to speak the language.
Sick! I'm in the big blind when under the gun limps. The Ginger in
seat 7 calls, as does the chip leader in seat 1. I'm in seat 2 and
look down at AT.
The flop comes Qd Td 3c. Check around. The turn is a 7c. Check, check,
45,000 from the under the gun limper. I call. Fold fold.
The river is a Qc. I like the queen but hate the club. I check. The
UTG limper bets 90K. I got 130K. Ok ok I call. If I'm wrong I got
another hand to get my money in.
He shows Ad3d. I show my ten and take the pot down.
I got about 360K as someone busts on the other table.
13 left.
In the sickest hand yet, euro guy flops a full house with KK on a Q K
Q board against the guy next to me's KQ. Aiyeah!
Down to 10. Mexican doesn't want to play and we're coming back tomorrow.
Damn it. Most of us want to play another level.
$388,000 in chips. That's good for 7th at the final table. Gl me.